Institut des Récifs Coralliens du Pacifique

Bourses IRCP 2011 – Claire Godinot (Monaco)

Claire Godinot (Monaco) – Bourses IRCP 2011

Title of the project : Nutrient limitation of Pocillopora damicornis in Moorea (C. Godinot1, R. Grover, V. Berteaux-Lecellier, H. Rouzé, L. Charpy, and C. Ferrier-Pagès) Lire la suite

Bourses IRCP 2011 – Rynae Greta Lanyon (Fidji)

Rynae Greta Lanyon (Fidji) – Bourses IRCP 2011

Title of the project : Study of visual abilities of coral reef fish larvae in relationship with conspecifics, predators, light intensity of light traps and their brain organization.

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Bourse IRCP 2010 – Jeffrey Maynard (Australie)

Jeffrey Maynard (Australie) – Bourses IRCP 2010

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