Institut des Récifs Coralliens du Pacifique

Bourses IRCP : les candidats sélectionnés!

Sur les 30 dossiers soumis, voici les quatre candidats retenus pour les bourses IRCP 2017:

Prénom/Nom Niveau universitaire Université Thématique de recherche
Eseta Drova Master Univ South Pacific (Fiji) Traditional Ecological Knowledge: A tool to better understand freshwater eels
Jack O’Connors Post-doc University of Melbourne (Australia) A Hard Day’s Night: How artificial light at night is changing the structure and function of coastal marine ecosystems
Krista Verlis Phd Macquarie University (Australia) Are coral reefs around French Polynesia at risk from marine debris pollution?
Clint Oakley Post-doc Victoria University of Wellington (NZ) The proteome and molecular functions of the coral surface mucus layer and its role in coral ecology


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