Institut des Récifs Coralliens du Pacifique

Bourses IRCP/CRIOBE 2017

The Institute for Pacific Coral Reefs (IRCP) and the CRIOBE will offer 4 grants in 2017 to young scientists – PhDs and Post-doctorates, under 35 years old – for research projects focused on the coral reefs of French Polynesia. Grants will be available to both French nationals and foreigners. To support the advancement of science in the Pacific, one of the four award recipients will come from the South Pacific Islands.

The IRCP scientific committee, including several members from the Pacific Community (SPC), will lead the selection process.
Each grant is valued at 4500 euros and will support:

  • travel expenses to and from French Polynesia,
  • accommodation and research costs at the CRIOBE research station.

Selected candidates will have 12 months from the time the award is granted to complete their research project. Within a month of completing fieldwork, the candidates will provide a preliminary report of their findings. The successful candidates will provide a final report, including at least one publication in a peer reviewed scientific journal of a high standard, in the following year. The grant should be mentioned in reports and publications under the name “IRCP – CRIOBE”.

To apply for the 2017 IRCP-CRIOBE grant, applicants must submit:

  • a CV (2 pages max),
  • a research project (5 pages max. including references),
  • an abstract of research project (200-250 words)
  • and a financial appendix (including estimated expenses – 1 page max.)

Please send all application materials to: or

All applications must be received before 30 January 2017
Grant recipients will be announced 24 February 2017.

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