Institut des Récifs Coralliens du Pacifique

Pacific Voices for a Global Ocean Challenge – Fiji – 8-9 juin 2017

The Oceanographic schooner ‘’TARA’’ will berth in Suva as part of its two-year environmental survey across the Pacific Ocean. The French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM) and the Embassy of France along with the Government of Fiji and the University of the South Pacific are organizing a SDG-14 conference in order to elaborate the regional Pacific message and raise awareness on the alarming state of our ocean.

During the first session, stakeholders will interact with the public to discuss sustainable policies and their implementation. In the second session, the conference will present successful examples of sustainable marine resources management projects within the Pacific Region. The last session will bring the scientists to present their latest results and try to understand how climate change may change the Pacific Way of Life forever.

The conference is supported by the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM) and organized by the Embassy of France in Fiji in partnership with the University of the South Pacific (USP) and with the support of the Government of Fiji.

The conference is hosted by USP at the ICT Auditorium (Japanese ICT Centre).

The “Pacific Voices for a Global Ocean Challenge” Conference aims to invite all regional organisations and partners to contribute and make suggestions for a greater change. The Conference is an external side event to the UN Ocean Conference in New York.

Don’t miss the side events!

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